Data Import Service

100.00 ر.س

To bring data from various external systems and databases into your ALZERP account. This process eliminates the need for manual data entry, improving accuracy and efficiency.

Quick info
SKU: external-data-import


To bring data from various external systems and databases into your ALZERP account. This process eliminates manual data entry, improving accuracy and efficiency. To Import data into ALZERP software from your existing data below are the fields available in ALZERP:

  1. Products List:
1 ProductID int NO
2 Barcode varchar YES 50
3 BarcodeImage image YES 2147483647
4 Barcode1 varchar YES 50
5 IsAutoCode bit YES ((0))
6 Name nvarchar NO 500
7 LocalName nvarchar YES 500
8 UnitID int YES ((0))
9 UnitPerCurton decimal YES ((1))
10 IsRetailUnit bit YES ((0))
11 QuantityPerUnit decimal YES ((1))
12 RetailUnitID int YES ((0))
13 ProductCategoryID int YES ((0))
14 ProductSubCategoryID int YES ((0))
15 Description nvarchar YES 500
16 StockBookID int YES ((0))
17 MinStockQty int YES ((0))
18 MinOrderQTy int YES ((0))
19 UnitPurchaseCost decimal YES
20 UnitPrice decimal YES ((0))
21 WholesalePrice decimal YES ((0))
22 SRSalePrice decimal YES ((0))
23 SalePrice decimal YES ((0))
24 RetailPrice decimal YES ((0))
25 VATPercentage decimal YES ((0))
26 VATAmount decimal YES ((0))
27 DiscountPercentage decimal YES ((0))
28 DiscountAmount decimal YES ((0))
29 NetPrice decimal YES ((0))
30 MinimumSalePrice decimal YES ((0))

2. Employee List:

1 EmployeeID int NO
2 ProjectId nvarchar YES 50
3 BranchId nvarchar YES 50
4 EmpId nvarchar YES 50
5 Name nvarchar YES 500
6 DesignationID int YES
7 Gender varchar YES 50
8 BloodGroup varchar YES 50
9 MaterialStatus varchar YES 50
10 Mobile nvarchar YES 50
11 TelephoneOffice nvarchar YES 20
12 Email varchar YES 50
13 EduQualificationID int YES
14 DOB datetime YES
15 FatherName nvarchar YES 50
16 Salary decimal YES ((0))
17 BuildingNumber nvarchar YES 50
18 StreetName nvarchar YES 50
19 DistrictName nvarchar YES 250
20 CityName nvarchar YES 250
21 Country nvarchar YES 100
22 PostalCode nvarchar YES 50
23 AdditionalNumber nvarchar YES 50
24 VATNumber nchar YES 30
25 NID nchar YES 30
26 Religion nvarchar YES 50
27 PresentAddress nvarchar YES -1
28 PermanentAddress nvarchar YES -1
29 DateOfJoining datetime YES
30 LocationID int YES
31 CenterID int YES
32 DepartmentSectionID int YES
33 AreaLocationID int YES
34 OfficeID int YES
35 StoreID int YES
36 PhotoID int YES
37 SignatureID int YES

3. Parties List (Customers, Suppliers, Vendors, Clearing Agents)

1 PartyId int NO
2 Name nvarchar YES 1000
3 Email nvarchar YES 1000
4 ContactPerson nvarchar YES 250
5 ContactNumber nvarchar YES 250
6 IsTaxExempt bit YES
7 BuildingNumber nvarchar YES 50
8 StreetName nvarchar YES 50
9 DistrictName nvarchar YES 250
10 CityName nvarchar YES 250
11 Country nvarchar YES 100
12 PostalCode nvarchar YES 50
13 AdditionalNumber nvarchar YES 50
14 VATNumber varchar YES 50
15 TINNumber varchar YES 50
16 LocationId int YES
17 AreaId int YES
18 StoreAssignId int YES
19 PartyRoleId int YES
20 Active bit YES ((1))
21 Dr bit YES ((0))
22 Cr bit YES ((0))
23 Address nvarchar YES -1
24 OpeningBalanceDate datetime YES (((2023)-(12))-(31))
25 OpeningBalance decimal YES ((0))
26 OBActual decimal YES ((0))
27 Description nvarchar YES -1

4. Opening Stock Position

1 StockID int NO
2 EntryDate datetime2 YES
3 EntryType nvarchar YES 100
4 EntryTypeId int YES
5 RetailUnitID int YES ((0))
6 ProductCategoryID int YES ((0))
7 ProductSubCategoryID int YES ((0))
8 ProductID int YES ((0))
9 PartyID int YES ((0))
10 Description nvarchar YES -1
11 BranchID int YES ((0))
12 StoreID int YES ((0))
13 UnitPrice decimal YES ((0))
14 InQuantity decimal NO ((0))
15 InVATPercentage decimal YES ((0))
16 InVATAmount decimal YES ((0))
17 OutQuantity decimal NO ((0))
18 OutVATPercentage decimal YES ((0))
19 OutVATAmount decimal YES ((0))
20 FifoFractionIn decimal YES ((0))
21 FifoFractionOut decimal YES ((0))
22 TotalAmount decimal YES ((0))
23 Remark nvarchar YES -1

5. Chart of Accounts for Initial Trial Balance:

1 EntryID int NO
2 GroupID varchar YES 2
3 AccountsID varchar YES 4
4 ControlAccountsID varchar YES 6
5 AccountsHeadID varchar NO 10
6 AccountsHeadName nvarchar NO 900
7 OpBalDr decimal YES ((0))
8 OpBalCr decimal YES ((0))
14 AccountsOpeningBalance decimal YES ((0))
15 OpDate datetime YES (getdate())
16 ServerDateTime datetime YES (getdate())
17 Emark varchar YES 50 (‘U’)
18 IsActive int YES ((1))
19 VATable bit YES
20 ExpenseStoreId int YES
21 ProjectID varchar YES 50 ((1))
22 BranchId varchar YES 50 ((0))

Here’s a breakdown of key aspects of our Data Import Services:

  • Data Source Flexibility: It enables you to import data from a variety of sources, including:

    • Flat files: Comma-Separated Values (CSV), Excel spreadsheets, Text files.
    • Databases: Connect to external databases like MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc.
    • Cloud Applications: Import data from CRM systems, accounting software, or other cloud-based applications your business uses.
  • Mapping and Transformation: The import service typically provides tools for mapping the data from the external source to the corresponding fields within your ALZERP account. This ensures accurate data integration and avoids inconsistencies.

    • You might need to define how data points from the external source translate to the appropriate fields in your ERP system (e.g., matching customer names, product codes, etc.).
    • To manipulate or clean the data before import (e.g., removing duplicates, and formatting dates).
  • Import Modes:

    • Initial Load: Used to populate your ALZERP account with data for the first time.
    • Incremental Updates: Allows for regular updates of specific data sets from external sources, ensuring your ERP system reflects the latest information.
  • Benefits of Using ERP Data Import Services:

    • Reduced Manual Data Entry: Eliminates the risk of errors and saves time for your employees.
    • Improved Data Accuracy: Ensures consistency and accuracy across your entire ERP system.
    • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamlines data management processes and reduces the workload on your IT team.
    • Faster Time to Insights: This enables you to leverage all your data in one place for better reporting and data analysis.


  • Before purchasing this service:
    • Please prepare all your data in an Excel File (ie, Details of Products with prices, Parties with balances etc.)


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